Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can You Get Hpv In Your Throut

A small tribute to Magma

not know the origin of this record and its members, but I found it interesting to share since there are many possibilities we have to see something like this in Chile.

Monday, May 24, 2010

How To Scorpio Men Flirt


After all your training comes the moment of truth: we're going to Lanzarote to compete in which they say is the world's toughest Ironman to be held on May 22, 2010.
3800 meters of swimming in the Atlantic, 180 miles of biking around the island of Lanzarote where you will save 2551 meters of altitude and to finish a marathon with her 42.195 kilometers away with the few forces that remain. Enrolled between 1600
found 326 British, 240 German, 111 French, 61 Belgian, 47 Danish, 29 Austrians, 33 Italians, 28 Swiss, 28 Dutch, 27 Americans, Slovaks, South Africa, Argentina, CAD, Finnish, Ukrainian, Mexicans, Brazilians, etc, etc. English and 452 among them are 5 neighbors of James del Teide town. Merit has a town that does not exceed 8000 inhabitants, 5 will compete at the world's toughest Ironman.
The Lanzarote Ironman is a global trial involving athletes from 35 nationalities with an impressive level, and comprises about 60 people to compete in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.
A couple of days before we left five colleagues Tenerife Santiago del Teide are going to compete in Lanzarote, and we then all alone fill the hold with our bicycles, tires and bags.


apartment We stayed at the Atlantis Las Lomas, in the Puerto del Carmen and just 300 meters from the start of Ironman. Once in the hotel plays pack our suitcases, put all the material and ride the bike.


My Scott Plasma has arrived intact and ready for the Ironman. "What will I be?


take this afternoon to swim around the circuit where swimming will take place. In addition, vueltecilla we went for a bike, check for proper operation, stretch your legs and relax. There is enough room for athletes who have come from all over the world to participate in the Ironman in every corner of the island.


Photo Equipment. From right to left Adolfo, Paul, Joseph and me. Lack John standing on the beach watching the buoys in the distance circuit and turning and turning to how I was going to be able to get out of that, hehehehe.


After the picture, we make the last train very smooth cycling. I took the camera and pulled some pictures of the group. In the photo, Paul, alias "Paulcelara", named for its fearsome rhythm changes. Triathlete good and very good competitor, chop everything that leads to two wheels. It has an urban legend that one of the last coach was chopped with a girl who was quietly in his motillo.


Adolfo, alias "Tortuguini" so named not because it is slow on the bike, but because it is hard as a turtle shell. Distance runner, sacrifice and an impressive willpower to get Trainings even after 6 am. Eager to come off the spinal Arinaga triathlon.


With 758 Joseph, John, alias "Pijita", the only one of us who have run the Ironman Lanzarote. Good athlete, triathlon enthusiast and methodical with the coaches. Surely that is clearer to us as it has to make his career. It was the one who has been giving a push to make us the five here. A left turn up behind me and Adolfo.


And I myself on the streets of Puerto del Carmen. Many years competing in cycling, the year I spent the previous championships in endurance events. The challenge was pending was to do an Ironman and better than Lanzarote. Lack
photo of John, who is on the beach thinking about swimming, jejejeje.


Paul and adapting to the aero position that we should try to preserve as much of the route. There are only a small train track, a half hour very gentle trot mess.


On Friday morning comes a few family and friends eager to encourage and afternoon billing must pass a bike and bags.
This is the transition zone where it is "parked" the 1600 bike of triathletes.


Bikes and more bikes, there are of all colors, aluminum, carbon, wheels with sticks, some with lenticular afordable any bike, but many faces, expensive and authentic "cucumbers." That if what matters is not the arrow but the Indian that shot.


And my bike, back 996, is put on hold until tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, the approximate time I guess I will get on it and do the 180 miles around Lanzarote. You have to remember exactly where is your bike to go straight to it after the swim and lose as little time as possible.


Fotillo in which we can already see that I have misplaced the sticker with the number of dorsal in the bicycle helmet. I'm the dorsal 996, but in the town appear as the 966. Because of this, I'll eat one of the best pasta dishes I've eaten in my life.


Place red bags for the transition to the marathon. In mine, I leave the running shoes and a hat.


And the blue bags in which we will leave the "useful" cycling in the transition from swimming to cycling. Energy bars and gels, jersey, cycling shoes, goggles, helmet and sox is what I leave on my own.


I leave the hotel early to put your legs up, tomorrow I expect a tough day. Light dinner at 9 pm and an hour later I'm in the piltra. I have no nerves and then I just sleep (with the help of "mediapastillita" Dr. Santos).
Tomorrow is the big day. Or not?

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five o'clock in the morning, put the self-timer on the camera and click: PHOTO. Then came the "D-Day." I had breakfast toast with Nutella, some turkey and cheese with bread and a glass of milk. At this time it is difficult to have breakfast. I have no nerves, I slept well and am ready to enjoy a hard day.

to reach below the picture here have been busy. In July I signed up for Ironman Lanzarote, and from August 8've followed a detailed training plan prepared by Luis Aizpurua, my coach (thank you very much for everything, Luis).

In the first nine months of preparation and a half I have carried out 300 training sessions divided as follows: 93 swim training I've done 225 km. approx., 109 athletic trainer that I've run 1505 km. and 99 workouts cycling I've done 6750 km. In difinitiva, speaking evil, and soon, I've taped a beating of three pairs of balls.

Initially, the goal being an Ironman rookie, was to finish, but as we have moved from workouts and they have been treated as the objective has changed, first to lose thirteen hours after midnight, to be finished in about eleven hours. This is in the best without any shocks on output, pájaras, mechanical failures, falls, cramps, stomach problems, dehydration, exhaustion and a thousand things that can happen in an Ironman.


It's six o'clock y las zonas de transición están repletas de gente haciendo los últimos preparativos.


Y yo me dedico a sacar unas fotillos del ambiente de competición.


Las máquinas de dos de los grandes favoritos: Eneko Llanos y el belga Bert Jammaer, éste último ganador de las dos últimas ediciones del Ironman Lanzarote.


Me dirijo al lugar donde colocarte el neopreno.


Ya en la carpa me encuentro al resto del equipo, que han salido media hora antes que yo del hotel. Además de Juan, Joseph, Paul, Adolfo and I are two colleagues who also come from Tenerife. In the picture you can see the status of each of us: there are faces of joy, concentration, concern, etc. So if, all eager to give out and start the Ironman.


Departure is at 7:00 in the morning is 6:00 and it is still night and the stands are placed on the beach burst. Lowering

triathletes to the beach to be taking place at the start.


Finally, 1571 participants multiplied by four (two legs and two arms) are 6284 tips poles begin to spread out as den. I have been to leave the camera to Rachel and I missed the rest of the team. I look and see only orange hats, so I stand before expecting not get a lot of beer.


The output of an Ironman is awesome. The swim test consists of two laps to circuirto of 1900 meters. 1571 people throwing water at the same time, reminded me of nature documentaries, when the wildebeest crossing a river infested with crocodiles. Until you've seen the video, I have not noticed this. The output

war cries, kicks, punches, pulls, guys who suddenly are literally swimming overhead. Looking for a site that does not receive much, but it is impossible. Saco head from time to time to put myself but it does little, I only see heads, arms and legs. Also, if you stop, you pass over, so I decide to follow those ahead without worrying about the direction, concerned only the hosts that come as you least expect it.

In the first round you have to leave the water and run 30 yards back to throw yourself to it. A point to reach the first round starting to see people stuck in the water the crowd cheering and I see Rachel and Peter Jr. stuck to the hip, cheering like crazy: rush, AIR KISSES AND BY THE SECOND.

In the second round the thing relaxes something, find some feet to follow along, and decreases the number of hits, so I can swim a little more "quiet."
(To view the output video click on the image below).


I leave the whole water and no major hit is not enough, in 1 hour, 1 minute and 41 seconds, ranked 247. Luis instructions have swum quiet, as the heart rate monitor to 133 beats on average, but better than I expected: the competition is competition and makes you always give more.

That if I earn what I miss swimming in the transition. It takes almost 7 minutes on preparing for cycling. This picture and two more are hired by Aarón López Pérez,, so thanks for them.


cycling test consists of 180 km. and to complete a full rotation to give the island of Lanzarote, Yaiza through, Montaña de Fuego, Tinajo, Teguise, Mirador de Haria, Mirador del Rio, Arrieta, new arrival Teguise and Puerto del Carmen.
Sea, sun, lava and thanks to Mother Nature just need the wind in Lanzarote becomes very strong and this year just blows.


Shortly after starting the segment cycling, Paul joins me and the two we catch José Juan, who had gone ahead in the swimming segment. In a cycling loop, see Adolfo and Juan, so we are the five giving the pedal. Paul
will only forward, I'll stay a while with Joseph, who is quieter. I fucking people and 30 km. then I go back to find Paul, who puts wheel and does not give me a relay (jejejejeje, cachondeito often we have brought the two pictures below).


Another picture in which it is shown that Paul does not get ahead or dead.

Seriously, I was "lucky" that the I went two shots ahead, because I was behind Paul. East, down to the Club La Santa, threw hard and decided to follow my rhythm.


Twelsiek Maik, the first to reach the Mirador del Rio, one of the coolest places on the island, where you can contemplate La Graciosa. From Here to target "only" 60 km missing.


Another early.


and Eneko Llanos, who ultimately would win the Ironman and spent 4 by the Mirador del Rio, making a spectacular comeback in the marathon.


Paul, arriving at the Mirador del Rio "only" is a final ascent to Teguise, Puerto del Carmen down to run a marathon.


About three minutes later I pass, I'm better than my face shows.

One of the anecdotes of the day: at the Mirador de Haria is installed personal supplies. Are some bags that we had to leave early in the morning in the starting area, in which everyone stops what they want. I've left mine in a couple of turkey sandwiches and cheese, two gels, two sachets of caffeine, ibuprofen and magnesium "future" cramps.

Three hundred meters before the top where the food supply is installed, a person is "singing" the lats through a walkie to have your bag ready. Many triathletes are lowered, the food stored in the pockets and on. I pick the bag up and put me down like a madman. When a long line allows me, I reach into my bag and I notice something hard: "what the hell is this !!??.

I have given back bag 966, which has prepared a large taper with a kilo of macaroni and tomato and a metal fork. So I have no choice, I let go of hands, open the taper, and I eat as best I I can. In curves a hand to the taper and the other for the brake. Freaks people ahead of me, a guy who is releasing macaroni side of the bike. That if any to which I offer you no doubt, put your hand and throws a handful of macaroni into his mouth. Reaches an area that is difficult to me to eat and stay on the bike, so taper and macaroni goes to the gutter.

seem a lie, but it was the best pasta I have sat in my life.

then passes

Joseph, who saw the photo, is strong enough to greet fans.


Then Adolfo, who is also laughing.


And John, who cares not even get off the bike to pick up supplies. His goal is to finish, so no rush for anything.


I get to Puerto del Carmen covering 180 km. in a time of 5 hours, 45 minutes and 51 seconds, averaging 31.23 km / h, with an average heart rate of 147 beats and a maximum of 167. I felt pretty good in the bike industry, I have lost 6 hours which was the goal and I'm not especially tired, which is very important because I have yet to hit 42,195 meters in front of sock.

sun, plenty of sunshine and heat, as I run around 2 pm, which is very good time to stick a swim at the beach, but something worse to run a marathon. If I am able to run on schedule, about 5 min. 10 sec / km., I can lower the target for 11 hours, but I still have all the marathon, so I am heeding the instructions of Louis and try not to go much the pulses at the beginning of the run.


the marathon out of Puerto del Carmen, giving a first round to reach almost to Arrecife. In this first round is done half marathon, then have two laps for the ride from the beaches to complete the full marathon.


During the first lap I felt really good, running at a high rate below 5 min / km. A little before turning in Arrecife I could see Paul already returned to Puerto del Carmen, and is making an impressive career. Our group of followers we are encouraged in each of the returns that we and Rachel has to go to a pharmacy to buy ibuprofen (I got my bag which was where I had) for me in the next step.


Just before the 21 km., Lame Paul, which is then delivered to wheel, jejejejeje (do not mosques, Paul, just kidding). We run together for a while, we chatted a bit and shot to front. I have no cramps, and fainting, I feel as good as they can find one after the beating he takes in the body. I will give references and think I can be in the 10 hours thirty min., Not under a lot of my pace and start to spend a lot of people going shattered.


marathon segment happens to me very quickly, seems to have been just an hour ago when I ran and I'm about to finish my first Ironman. Rachel and the little they decide to mess with me and put two hundred meters before the arrival. I hold your hand and throw them safe, because the dorsal 533 (often goat), is sprinting to get ahead. When I realize I have a child in a twinkling and 533 slips for my left. I feel like they released the child and crossed the finish line (that or stick a poke around the liver).


I finish the marathon in 3 hours, 30 minutes and 13 seconds, running at 4 min 59 sec / km., With an average heart rate of 147 beats and 167 maximum, ranked 102 of the marathon .


Content for as long as I have done, Mr. Kenneth Gasque give me my medal and congratulations. This man in the queue and the cap is Mr. Gasque, director of career and hopes to target each and every one of the participants until 12:00 pm, time it was terminating the test. For 400 € for registration, I thought I was going to pony up to the hotel.


a finisher and a finisher future "?. I put the test in 127 of the general and 21 of my class (40 to 44 puretillas chestnuts), with a sensational time of 10 hours total, thirty minutes and 21 seconds, half an hour under the best of my expectations .

in the area I am ready for lunch, but after much effort and much gel stick and I can not get anything down. However, before I went through the recovery zone and got me a bottle of serum, as tell me will help me regain my fitness.


"Paulcelara" I have no picture of going into goal, once crossed it. Ironman and tiempazo first 10 hours, 37 minutes and 54 seconds in the 154 position overall.


"The Pijita" entered into goal with his family, which can only see his son because Katy, his wife, with the excitement of the arrival has continued to run to the Club St. Joseph where he registered for Ironman 2011.

José Juan arrives in the post 429 and to the clock in 11 hours, 48 \u200b\u200bminutes and 6 seconds to fulfill its goal to lose 12 hours and almost three hours lowering her previous mark.


"Tortuguini" supercontento target enters the hand of Bethlehem in the post 796 in the overall with a time of 13 hours, 14 minutes and 11 seconds. We finally got the thorn stuck in Arinaga.


And finally, Juan Ceferino, world famous for his joke of the suit, enters the goal with his wife and son. Which has suffered from all of us and probably has the most merit. Reaches goal in the post 992 with a time of 14 hours, 15 minutes and 52 seconds. The previous days had many doubts with swimming, but in the end you have left almost three hours to finish the test. That if you just crossed the finish line, is selling his bike and wetsuit, jejejeje.


time Diploma


my age group. Anecdotally, I am the third English in the classification of "young" 40 to 44 years old. That if, to put me in the top ten would have to drop 30 minutes the time made this year and thus can have hopes of qualifying for Hawaii, but those are big words. Very difficult, but ..............


The night after the fatal sleep test, I do nothing but spin from side to side of the bed and I notice a transformation.

I get up early and when I look in the mirror this is what is reflected on the other side. The only truth here is that fatal sleep and get up early, but made a real wreck. I have a pain in the legs that I can not move and down stairs is a trial. The assembly was made by Harvey Anita (the king of "fotochop") for several months, if not yet know how it would end all this.



"official" the day after the Ironman. It see us happy, but it is to be, we were able to end the five which they say is the world's toughest Ironman.


Another photo finisher's shirt. In this there is fighting to squat. If I have to get to me, do not get up.


And finally, family photo, with the best entertainers in the world. From left to right: Jack, Helen, myself, Adolfo, Bethlehem, Juan Ceferino, Paul, Gorka, Berli, Paul Jr., Anna, Edward, Joseph, Peter Jr., Delia, Julie, Rachel, Katy and Imma.

THANK YOU ALL. Especially to the closest, the pain in the ass that we have in the last 9 months with both train and by "juggling" to make time for your family.


And now, after the Ironman, queeeeeeeee?