Kiowa People used to cross the large meadow. When the tiredness or the need for food so imposed, the Kiowas camped. Once the Kiowa people chose to rest a site near a forest. Among the trees, people lived the bear. The big, burly animals were hungry. And, the smell of the Indians, who were near, left its territory of branches and stones and went in search of the Kiowas. Far from the camp, seven girls, seven sisters Kiowas, gathered berries. Bears eager eyes rested on them. And grumbling sharp claws and talons, came at the young. The girls ran with all his energy. Penetrated into the vast, sparkling and prairie grass. Where to find there a shelter? How to escape the violent hungry animals? Then, the fugitives found a rock, gray, large, emerging from the plain. They climbed the rock. But immediately afterwards, the Bears also did the same. Desperate, the girls began to sing a prayer to the rock, so that it protect them from their abusers. No one before had sung to the rock. And the stone, which for centuries had been bent, stood up and began to grow and go higher and higher, while that young Kiowas remained standing on it. Then the bear warriors began to sing to their gods. And the animals grew strong and reached the same height of the stone that spread upward. The bears tried to climb the rock, digging his claws into the steep, high walls and stone. But, with its claws, only managed to draw furrows, scars appeared on the slopes of the rising mountains. And the rock grew so much that bears assumed that they could not reach their peak. Then, resigned, started back to their homes in the forest. While advancing the huge bears on the prairie, dwarfing were going to regain their usual size. The people Kiowa had observed all the extraordinary events. After the bear left, noticed the huge mountain of torn walls. Then, some voices were born between the Kiowas to ensure that the odd mountain, recently appeared was The Lodge bears. And on top of the rocky mountain, remained the seven sisters. Kiowas up their camp and left because they thought the girls had been eaten by bears. When night fell, young people sang to the stars. The night sky lights were glad for that song. Then, came down and picked up the seven sisters. Women also became stars. And all At night, the young shining on The Villa Bears. And so thank you to the rock he grew up and became a mountain to save the bear warriors.