Seventh Cavalry Regiment was the United States fought the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians under the command of the great Sioux chief Tasunka Witko, also known as Crazy Horse.
It had a total of 12 companies totaling 566 soldiers and 31 officers, 15 civilians and about 35-40 scouts. Here is some of the components of the Seventh Cavalry who died with their boots at the Battle of Little Big Horn. In command of this regiment was Lieutenant Colonel George "Javier" Custer.
It had a total of 12 companies totaling 566 soldiers and 31 officers, 15 civilians and about 35-40 scouts. Here is some of the components of the Seventh Cavalry who died with their boots at the Battle of Little Big Horn. In command of this regiment was Lieutenant Colonel George "Javier" Custer.
Lieutenant General Phillip
"Dácil" Sheridan, the cavalry of the seventh trumpet, in addition to designer and creator of the campaign uniform.
Lieutenant Algernon "Maelle" Smith and Lieutenant James "Esther" Sturgis.
The Captain Kyle "Raquel" Sanders.
Another Captains of the Seventh, Captain Thomas "Mary" McDougall.
Captain Frederick "Paul" Benteen, one of the first casualties from the attacks of the Indians. Missing in action in one of the skirmishes with the Sioux Indians, along with Lt. James' Esther "Sturgis.
And finally the Lt. James "Pete" Calhoun and John "Tomi" Crittenden.
the seventh before leaving for the Battle of Little Big Horn, where they were massacred by Indian tribes under the command of the great Sioux chief Crazy Horse, in addition to the rum and coca cola they consumed during the entire battle.
Lt. Col. George "Javier" Custer replenished forces with horse glorious moments before entering combat.
Lt. Col. George "Javier" Custer and Lt. James "Pete" Calhoun planned the strategy that kill enemy forces.
Waving to the troops from the stage.
After half time pep talk, General Custer realizes that he was doing it with a stick mic.
Seventh Official
celebrating the prize money after fierce fighting with the Indians.
Last photo before falling defeated. Lieutenant General Phillip "Dácil" Sheridan and Captain Kyle "Raquel" Sanders is grappling with the Indian warrior Sitting Vitico. Watching their faces and their poses, seem to be in trance.
everything would not be mountain occasionally something bad is not Carnival.