has become a sort of holiday tradition for some years been practicing my brother and me. Matalpino we left, we went up and down the Malicious. It's like a way of saying hell, another year I'm up here, that's why things go wrong.
This year is going to join the group Alberto, Tito and Josegui and as the thing has been organized for a few days as I prepare a little surprise for the summit.
The first photo brings us Alber my brother and me coming to Boys Town. Said the bastard (he has come to sometimes two hours late to see some cousins \u200b\u200bwho have the unlucky Parla) that is historic because we are not at the time we left.
are still with the preparations. Tito puts his new boots bought a whole one hundred after the disappointment of the summer in the Pyrenees.
little later of the eight we start to give the sandal and see how water flows through the Sierra. In this Presita more than one of us has taken away the hangover Matalpino parties in August. That if, with less water and more cloudy (more turbid water and the mind).
As noted that the month of December is still wet, there are waterfalls everywhere.
And Aguita.
First stop on the usual place. In the dry summers here is one of the few places where you can get water, but sometimes takes ten minutes to fill a bottle. Now the water falls it is a pleasure.
And the photo forced the tree coming out of the stone. I have photographed in all seasons and all possible ways. For some say that we are creatures of habit and this is one of them.
begins a little above the snow level. It is soft and has not fallen too much so it is not necessary to get crampons.
My brother and I are a bit ahead and we planted at the top of the Malicious (2227 mts.) after almost two hours of "ride." Oscar at the top that this year appears "adorned" with reasons for the Himalayas.
And I
. It's quite cold and a blizzard runs very nice, ideal conditions to wait for the rest of the troops.
Soon comes Tito and his face looks like he also has cold.
And a little later comes this, not goretex, climadry or technological materials of any kind.
family. The surprise I had prepared a bottle of rum was brought directly Miel de Tenerife of which give a good account to provide for all (hell, you selfish). Tito came knowing that I made a mistake: do not bring two or three bottles, jejejeje.
Alber has also been prepared and has brought some marzipan, comes around some ham and cheese and we hit a good breakfast. At the top there is all the people who usually have in Mali, but some are in their cups and champagne glass, which between toast and toast asked them to do the photo.
Look at the La Pedriza. On the right you can see the Collado de los Pastores.
After nearly an hour at the top and happier than the rise thanks to Ron Miel, we went down directly, that is going to give the trampoline. Josegui, Oscar, Tito and me in it. The photo Alberto something out above.
kick up and you do the fotillo to Alber, very envious that has been disappointed. In the background is the urbanization of Ponderosa.
Josegui take a run down. With a little more snow we could have fallen practicing our favorite sport: culing.
And Alberto is doing some photos of the Cascadilla of ice are formed.
Gradually we move into the clouds.
And when we come to the road and almost no see.
Before two in the afternoon we are back in the cars, we have moved quickly because almost every food we have commitments. A fun way to beat us a Christmas toast and enjoy a morning of mountain.
Matalpino I stay in (the city is not for me, lol) and from the terrace of the house do some fotillos the evening.