Thursday, May 14, 2009

Noisemakers To Make For A Cheer Competition


bueeeno may be in the running head of the entrance I have "passed", but it sure is one of the best places on the island of Tenerife to train a marathon (or shop around the countryside).

For these trails I've done a few kilometers preparing the Madrid Marathon in recent months, so once past this, I went with a camera to enjoy it. In the photo, posing runner plan.


Two km. San José de los Llanos and the TF-373 there una rotonda donde dejar el coche y comenzar a correr por el sendero de pequeño recorrido PR-43. El comienzo es algo duro, ya que se sale a 1.135 metros de desnivel y en apenas 3 kilometros debemos subir a 1.300 metros.

El trazado del sendero se intuye a mitad de montaña debido a que los pinos canarios se están recuperando del incendio de agosto de 2007. Anteriormente la vegetación no dejaba ver el sendero.


Los primeros tramos son ascendentes y los utilizo para "calentar". En esta zona de la Isla y a esta altitud suele hacer fresquito, aparte de ser un lugar bastante lluvioso.


El sendero está muy bien marked, finding signs every so often.


Upon reaching the channel no longer appear Vergara steep slopes within 15 km. At first the trail crosses volcanic areas, leaving the channel to the right path.


Despite not having very hilly, the road has plenty of slides, as that is mountainous roads. In light of the volcano climb we Garachico or black sand, which is presently covered by clouds. In 1706, the year of its last eruption, devastated the town of Garachico, on the coast.


200 meters ahead we turn right and see this picture: the Teide.


I'm about to go into the Crown Forestry and the landscape changes as if by magic.


booth I come to a channel where I'll take the path that leads to the right. On the left will go to the recreation area of \u200b\u200bArenas Negras, in which a few years ago there were wooden huts destroyed by fire and were dismantled.


Only 6 km from the place from which I came out and it looks like I am in another country. Vegetation is much more abundant and ferns first appear. This area is very nice path for running, as well as always go to the shade of pine trees, often falls a light drizzle that helps frequito go.


Spring is here and now it run through a corridor of flowers. You can still see the trunks of the pine trees are blackened by the fire in the summer of 2007.


The highlands of the island are covered with clouds, not letting me see the Teide (or Echeyde). El Canal de Vergara, right, and throughout the trail.


Fuera del camino, la primavera lo tiñe todo de amarillo.


Más amarillo.


Después de 10 km., hoy muy suaves porque he parado más que he corrido, decido dar la vuelta. Las piernas todavía están resentidas después del maratón. Coloco la cámara arriba del Canal de Vergara con el autodisparador y clik.


No me canso de hacer fotos a las florecillas.


De lo que me canso es de sacar y meter la cámara en la funda, así que buena I trained part of her ready to take the picture. When there is nothing that catches my attention, for me "afoto" myself. jejeje


back, AR. Now the canal is on the left.


Garachico volcano is covered. Fifteen Minutillo before the sun looked splendid, but the uniqueness of this path: the sun rises a few feet before you get wet, the sun comes out again, then the fog will not let you see a few meters, and so continuously.


Apart from climatic changes, is peculiar changes road color: brown, black, ocher, orange. Now it's the black lava.


again by the volcanic area of \u200b\u200bthe trail. It seems incredible that resilience is the Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis), since only a year and a half these same pines were only a few Palitroques black as coal.


Last ledge before descending to the car.


After just under two hours to get to the starting point more rested than other days, but touching look at the landscape today and do some fotillo, anything to go looking heart rate, pace, etc.

This path is where I made more than half of the coaches that I have these months in the body. And they say it's hard running, because running for a place, tired, but less.


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