The next morning we got up early, about 7:30, had breakfast and then throw up. Met ibón Llosars small and leave behind in search of the peak Storms.
majestic view of Les Tuca Tuca de Culebras and Ballivierna.
note that there is sleep.
For all that loose stone scree is where we climbed up Storms peak, which is entirely arribita.
Tito on the top of Tempest 3296 mts. In the background is the Aneto joined this peak along the ridge of Storms.
Here I am at the peak Storms, the first three thousand a day.
seen pulling people early riser on top of Aneto.
David before he was among the homesick and start calling like crazy to his family.
Salenques The scrotumtightening needles, which Margalida started from the peak, our next target.
Another view of the Needles Salenques. In its last remaining base Glacier Salenques.
Group photo, from left. to right. Tito, Javi, me and David. as you can see, all that sheltered at the summit is cold.
the other side of the Lake of Barrancs side, whose waters end up in the Plan of Aigualluts. In the Aigualluts disappear and come out again in the Aran Valley.
Punta Gap and the Russell Fund, which try at the end of the day.
Sudden changes in temperature cause such damage granite.
climbed this peak was thinking that Margalida, but after seeing the map, we realize that it is not, well then: Nameless Peak.
a nap before going on the road. In the background, Storms and Aneto.
Now if we got into Margalida.
Margalida, 3244 mts.
The crest is quite broken.
and a lowering of the peak poses Margalida. Javi.
After downloading the Margalida, stopped for lunch and then Harvey and David think that by now have had enough and decided to go to the store. Thus, from this moment only Tito and I will try the Russell and the peak of the Gap. To take away the monkey putting on crampons, which we tread left from the glaciers.
Holding the glacier.
We take a channel with broken stone and a positive slope that will lead us to the top of Russell.
Half a rock channel prevents us from the pitch and I have to remove the middle. But seriously, here you have to go bordenando the rock, being able to do for either side. A rising do to the right of the rock, which is peligrosilla since it started to rain and the slippery.
Tito Russell Peak at 3205 meters. Clouds are taking a dark and gloomy start to rain a few minutes.
And I in the same peak, the fourth three thousand of the day.
The crests of Storms to climb all the peaks in the day today, except Aneto we'll leave tomorrow.
Another view of the Needles Salenques, this time from the peak Rusell.
good time as we decided to go to Punta Gap, but before Tito stops to rest in a beautiful terrace.
On the ridge to reach the point of Punta Gap.
Punta Gap, 3195 m high and last three thousand a day. At the bottom Margalida, Storms and Aneto.
Remains Salenques Glacier.
Now I'm finding a nice terrace with views. In the distance, Tito tells me to put on the tip of the stone, to which I answer a poll ....... The fall is about 400 or 500 meters.
lowering the channel through which we climbed, but more dangerous since the water has left the slippery rock.
The Russell once below it. On the left you can see the channel through which we climbed.
We are about to reach the small ibón Llosars.
wildflowers and ibón thoroughly.
clouds we have respected and even has drizzled we do not store very wet.
Eight hours later we walk back into the ibón of Llosar and leverage their green meadow to rest.
The clouds are taking a darker tone and begins to rain storm ever louder. The falls are increasing in number and size.
We take what does the storm, with thunder and lightning coverage, for ourselves a restorative nap. When we left the shop to see the strength they have the falls is a delight.
Toca make dinner now that it stops raining. Good sleep light menu: 1 Fabada Asturiana (how could it be otherwise), 2 º 3 º soup on pasta carbonara, all accompanied by salami and secallona.
The day has been completito. Temepestades beak unnamed Margalida Rusell and Punta Pic Gap three thousand that has been been dropped into bag. Now it is time to sleep, tomorrow we Aneto.
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